coincidence - the simultaneous crossroad of innocence and freedom. gifted by destiny, it must be greatest learning lesson. what kind of heart must you have to endure this lesson? most crawl back home. freedom is freedom to fall into the darkest hole or climb to the greatest height. in the shadow of naiviety, is it possible to know what direction you're going? most people people don't understand the hatred of their bonds is the same as worshipping their safety. freedom is the freedom to chase every desire in the world. but at what point do you become blind to those desires controlling you back? perhaps chasing every desire is not the ultimate goal of freedom. let's call it a coincidence within the self. the birth of maturity, or perhaps the death of it.
decay - a few weeks go by without a single thought within. the entire soul is lost in a haze of what others may see as a luxury. the appearance of such elegant movement must have no internal meaning. the second the haze clears, the moment that vision is granted again, every person is faced with the most difficult choice, hastily go back into the darkness, or initiate a greater meaning within themselves. the essence of destruction can happen without one even knowing, due to the illusory nature of thought, of our world. do you have the knowledge to know when its going forward and when its going backwards? decay is unintentional, but it is also natural. it is also one of the most beautiful gifts. only from the most disastrous decay can the clean slate of love return in full - the most unexplainable coincidence. these type of things come in all forms. perhaps there is one thing in this world that can guide you without reason, and without it we would cease to exist. i am not talking about the love you think i am. it is the movement of all forms. don't be guided by illusion. i'm still stuck in my own dream, but i can't deny. it adds fuel to the fire, and i love it. speaking of, the world inside myself is ever too vast, the second that the vastness meets the other vastness, there is no question. it is bound to happen soon. once the peak is reached, there is no saying what will be seen from it. it's the fated mystery.